Try imagining tendrils of black hair spilling out from silicon sculptures of glossy, disembodied tongues with crimson veins, and you will get a prime example of the loud, expressive art pieces by the contemporary artist Kara Inez.
We often overlook the fact that equality is a mindset. It starts from within. One major issue that has contributed to shaping inequality is how society is being constantly bombarded by unrealistic beauty ideals derived from the notion where women are required to be hairless, and devoid of lumps and bumps. From “Vagina Party” to “Go For Waxinglah”, if anything, Inez’s artworks invite us to reconsider the reason behind how we might be so repulsed by things that don’t conform to our expectations as we truly understand the depths of the female body, without sugar-coating them.
Speaking of exploration that obliges humankind to confront fears and struggles, Lang Leav concocts a myriad of emotional elements that mired in self-saboteurs as well as empowerment that accompany the turmoil of adolescence into her debut novel “Sad Girls”. While moods are proud, imperious things, join Farah Ann as she shares with BAZAAR the inner world of an artistic gymnast—a coexistence of exuberance and endurance with deft touches.
Elsewhere, charming and dedicated actresses Maya Karin and Tiara Jacquelina lend us an insight into the strength and grace that lie within Malaysian women. For all that you need to be inspired by during this season, grab yourself the March issue on newsstands now and visit